Winter Warmth Dinner
Marla of HOLD General and I have became fast friends last summer. Somewhere around September, I reached out to her about co-hosting a dinner in her beautiful shop space. Both of our visions aligned and a few months later, in December 2016, as I was making my way up the west coast to Canada, I made a pit-stop on the island to cook and gather for our Winter Warmth Dinner.
Below are some of the beautiful photographs by the talented Kelly Brown. Without Kelly the dinner could not have happened. She hosted me in her home, allowed me to take over her kitchen, took us to markets and farms, we went foraging and she helped us set everything up. We had such an amazing time together and I’m grateful to both Marla and Kelly for making it all possible.
I prepared a four course plant-based meal for 15 wonderful guests. There were tree-nut cheese boards, a local ginger and sweet potato soup from SunTrio Farm, a sesame, cabbage and carrot fry with crispy chickpeas and a deconstructed pumpkin pie with a raw crust.