My Philosophy

The Well Woman has been my vision of an archetypal pattern that I believe exists inside us, the pattern to orient ourselves toward being, living and eating well. Toward being the best versions of ourselves, toward being bold, healthy, and educated in how to take care of ourselves.

My philosophy is rooted in holistic health: a well rounded approach to an integrated mind, body and spirit through lifestyle and nutrition. It’s about changing our current societal norms that value fast and disconnected food and health care and instead taking a proactive and curious approach to our health where we are empowered and self-aware.

I believe that food is medicine and the basis of preventative health. The recipes I share are intended to inspire eating whole, plant-based foods that are delicious.

The Well Woman is for anyone interested in change, transformation. For those who want to put responsibility back into their own hands. This is not about achieving some version of perfect. It’s about being real, enjoying ourselves while also feeling vital and participating in a shift for future generations. It’s about finding connection and grounding during times of intensified planetary velocity.

So, it is with a full heart that I welcome you. Thank you for being here.


Tonya Papanikolov, B.Sc., CNP

Tonya is a Holistic Nutritionist, speaker and functional foods recipe developer currently based in Toronto. She is the creative force behind The Well Woman, a community and education platform inspiring the power of plant food to nourish and elevate mind, body and spirit. Tonya educates on holistic wellness and using food as medicine through one-on-one consultations, workshops, seminars, retreats and community-based culinary experiences.

Tonya is a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, holds a Bachelor of Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences from the University of Guelph and is certified in Reiki Level II healing.

Her philosophy is simple. Radiance starts on the inside. Eat whole plant foods. Learn to interpret and listen to your body. Develop self-awareness. Meditate. Find a community. Trust and develop your intuition. Stay curious. Leave the planet better than you found it.

She hopes that through inspiring a connection with nourishing foods, ritual and self-care others can experience the same healing from chronic health issues that she has.

Good Morning Interviews

An interview series and peak into the lives of women who know the power of ritual during the sacred morning hours. They go inward before outward. Metaphorically and literally. These women are inspiring, creative, intuitive, empowered and have wisdom to teach us.

The concept of these interviews was inspired at a dinner gathering I hosted a couple years ago. A then-stranger now-friend, said, “my mornings are sacred.”

Around the time, I would often wake in the mornings with my heart racing, adrenals pounding. I was at my peak of stress in the corporate world. I knew it was unsustainable. I knew there was another way to exist. I began developing a morning meditation practice and my life and anxiety began to shift. I became curious to know more about how women were taking care of themselves. And I wanted to share it.

Thank you to all of the beautiful souls who have opened up and shared snippets of their lives. And thank you for reading, I hope these stories inspire and stir up your own desire to carve out morning rituals of self-care.